- Dalton Watson Fine Books
- 1989
- Bestelnummer: ML 8-4
MG: The Magic of the Marque – Mike Allison – ML 8-4
352 pagina’s
afm. 22 x 24 x 3 cm.
ISBN: 0901564826
MG: The Magic of the Marque – Mike Allison
In “The Magic of MG,” Mike Allison, a keen M.G. enthusiast, traces the history of M.G. cars, with the use of numerous photographs (some of them in color); from the early days to 1989. It looks at the many MG cars, such as the Saloon, Sprite, and Spitfire and shows how MG became the name it is today. Also included are appendices (specifications, sales figures, and build data), and a bibliography
Conditie: goed / zeer goed
* als pakket verzonden i.v.m. omvang / gewicht
Categorie: Auto's & Motoren