Nineteenth-Century Scientific Instruments and Their Makers – P.R. de Clercq – plsch 3

275 pagina’s
afm. 15 x 22 cm.
ISBN: 9062039170
ISBN: 9789062039173
Engelstalig (enkel hoofdstuk Franstalig)
Unieke uitgave

Nineteenth-Century Scientific Instruments’ and Their Makers edited by P.R. de Clercq
Communication 221
of the national museum for the history of science and medicine editor P.R. de Clercq
Nieuwe Nederlandse Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde en der Natuurwetenschappen No. 17
Editors: M.J. van Lieburg, G.A. Lindeboom en H.A.M. Snelders.
Papers Presented at the Fourth Scientific Instrument Symposium, Amsterdam 23-26 Oct 1984
In the Nineteenth century the need for scientific and precision instruments in research, education and a variety of professions ros to an unprecedented level.
Requirements ranged from virtually unique research apparatus to a vast range of standard equipment for laboratory or classroom use.
This bookconcdntrates on the instrument makers who met this growing demand, and who in order to doe so successfully had to combine scientific, technical and commercial abilities in ome person.
Themes discussed include the relationship between instrument makers and scientists and developments in the organization of the instrument-making industry.

The eleven papers collected in this volume were presented at the Fourth Scientific Instuments Symposium, held in Amsterdam under the auspices of the Scientific Instrument Commission of the International Union fof the History and Philosophy of Science. All contributors ar staffmembers of leading Euopean and American museums for the history of science and medicine.
With black&white pictures and illustrations.

Conditie: goed


Categorieën: ,
  • Rodopi / Amsterdam
  • 1985
  • Bestelnummer: plsch 3